RimotSHIP Participating in Precision Fish Harvesting Project for Canada’s Ocean Supercluster
Rimot is pleased to have our RimotSHIP solution featured in a news post on Canada’s Ocean Supercluster website. Canada’s Ocean Supercluster announced five new projects with a total value of nearly $29 million, including the Precision Fish Harvesting Project. Katchi, a rural Nova Scotian company, will lead the project and is developing a SmartNet using herding and deterring technology and seeks to deploy uncrewed service vessels (USVs) to improve the efficiency of conventional trawl fishing. See the news article “CANADA’S OCEAN SUPERCLUSTER ANNOUNCES $3.3M PRECISION FISH HARVESTING PROJECT” and learn more about the project. See the article HERE.
“The importance of energy monitoring, prediction and optimization is becoming ever more important as crewed and uncrewed marine vessel fleets move to greener forms of propulsion. We are excited to work with such an innovative and talented group of companies to help enable such an important project for the global fishing industry, while at the same time advancing our vision to unlock the full value of batteries aboard marine vessels using software intelligence.” – Andrew Boswell, CEO Rimot Inc.